The Johannesburg Jewish Helping Hand (Chevrah Kadisha) offers assistance to almost a quarter of the Johannesburg’s Jewish community, touching the lives of over 10 000 of Jews. We rely on donations to meet 70% of our annual budget of $18M and distribute funds to the needy for food, rent, education and healthcare as well as house close to 1,000 residents in our aged homes, disabilities centres and childcare facilities.
Though the local Johannesburg community supports us generously, costs of food, healthcare and utilities keep escalating, while demand for our services increases steadily. In addition:
· State funding for the Jewish community is virtually non-existent.
· A disproportionate number of Jews here are welfare dependent.
· Emigration is at an all-time high and many of our largest donors have emigrated.
These challenges constrain local fundraising so we are turning to our ex-South African community for help.
No matter where in the world they live, South African Jews still care deeply about the country and community because it will always be home and we’ll always be one family and One Tribe.
Many thanks!!
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