Nir Galim Emergency Fund
Nir Galim Emergency Fund
Our goal is to raise $100,000 for the basic needs of Moshav Nir Galim and nearby towns in the Yavneh Regional Council, one of Southern Israel's largest districts.
Quick Facts:
- Nir Galim was established by Holocaust Survivors in 1949, many still with us today.
- There are about 1,500 people living in the town of Nir Galim.
- There are seven towns in the region, with 7,500 people.
- There are about 2,500 children living in the seven nearby towns.
- The area is about 8,000 acres in total, which right now is vulnerable.
- These towns are located 25 miles from Gaza and constantly suffering from rocket attacks.
- There were several losses and injured people from the region in the past week.
- A rapid first-aid responder team is needed for this national emergency.
- The first-aid responder team of needs medical equipment.
- Equipment for bomb shelter for children activities (school, social).
Approximate First Allocations:
- First-aid equipment and emergency kits. $25,000
- Power generators for potential outages. $25,000
- Provide financial support to help families in need. $25,000
- Upgrading public bomb shelters for children activities. $25,000
Am Yisrael Chai!
For Further Information:
Bezalel Gleiser (Shaliach Aliyah for Australia, 2011-2014): +972-52-306-2828
This is Nir Galim:
All donations are tax deductible