Chai Charitable Foundation
Herzog Hospital


Established in 1894, the Herzog Medical Centre is Israel’s foremost center for geriatrics, physical rehabilitation, chronic respiratory care, mental health and psycho-trauma care, treatment and research. With approximately 550 beds, it is the third largest hospital in Jerusalem. The Respiratory Care Division has over 250 patients in need of respiratory care including a special Children’s Chronic Respiratory Care Department, which treats children ranging in age from 2 months to the mid-20s. Rehabilitation is a major part of our work with over 100 beds devoted to inpatient and outpatient physical rehabilitation with a special department for young people, including many injured from the war. The newly constructed Glassman Ambulatory Health Center houses all outpatient care including the Community Mental Health Center, which treats 2000 men, women and children each month. Herzog’s Israel Center for the Treatment of Psycho-trauma ("Metiv") treats children and adult victims of terror attacks, war, domestic violence and other causes of psycho-trauma, and provides training in Israel and internationally. Israel’s Ministry of Defense has selected Herzog to serve as the center for the Jerusalem area and south of the country, to treat the mental health needs of demobilized soldiers and all those who served in the various security services protecting Israel. The Clinical Research Center for Brain Sciences concentrates on Neurodegenerative diseases including schizophrenia, depression and other brain related disorders. Many of those treated by the hospital are Holocaust Survivors. The 240 bed Sheltered Underground Emergency Hospital is designed to withstand the impact of missiles and provide protection from chemical and biological attack. During Covid it was repurposed as the largest Covid center in Jerusalem and now, during the current war, has reverted to its main purpose of providing shelter to the patients and staff when under attack. As a result of the war, another 100 sheltered beds were added to add an option of absorbing patients from other hospitals, if needed. The hospital is a not-for-profit charity, which does not receive government funding.

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