Dear Jewish Community near & far,

Nechama Buchanek is 18 yr old girl who grew up in the Melbourne Jewish community and recently lost her mother.

Nechama graduated High School from Beth Rivkah this year and then went to Ohel Chana seminary here in Melbourne. Her mother died in the interim. Nechama lived with her mother since she was young, and cannot depend on her father for financial support.

We are trying to assist Nechama to be able to cover some of her living and education expenses, to be held ‘in trust’ for her.

Beruria Tenenbaum who is principal of Beth Rivkah Secondary School, Rebbetzin Rivkah Groner and Rebbetzin Telsner, all know Nechama and endorse this appeal.

Can you please help Nechama now with a generous tax deductible donation thru Chai.